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Educator Programs


The University of Chicago Educator Outreach site serves as the home for content and resources connected to current and past versions of the Summer Institute for Educators and the International Education Conference. Both the Summer Institute and the International Education Conference are professional development programs for educators that were created by the Center for International Studies and are now managed by the University of Chicago’s area studies centers (Center for East Asian Studies, Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies, Center for Latin American Studies, Center for Middle Eastern Studies) with critical support from both on- and off-campus partners. 

The Summer Institute for Educators is an annual multi-day, interdisciplinary workshop that addresses issues of global significance with leading experts from academia, journalism, and the public policy sector. Past Institutes include “Inequality: Conditions, Consequences, Solutions”“Energy and the Global Environment: Science, History, Politics”, and most recently “Global Issues in Local Contexts: Turning International Journalism into Teachable Lessons”.

The International Education Conference is a single-day program that brings together local Chicago educators to explore ways to expand or enhance the teaching of international issues in the classroom.

If you’re interested in exploring content and resources from these programs, please visit Past Programs for the event overview, and Teaching Materials to search for materials by keyword categories.