by msu | Dec 6, 2023 | 2023, Afghanistan, Africa, Brazil, Conflict, Economics, Europe, Greece, Human Rights, International, Journalism, Latin America, Mexico, Middle East, Migration, Pedagogy, Tunisia, United States, Venezuela
This lesson plan was developed by Amy Bizzarri (Schurz High School, Chicago Public Schools) as part of the 2023 Global Impact Summer Institute for Educators. Lesson Plan Family Separation Immigration Lesson Plan Template ...
by ncarsenault | Jul 1, 2019 | 2015, Bolivia, Brazil, Economics, History & Social Sciences, Honduras, Latin America, Peru, Politics
Presented by Daniel Goldstein (Professor of Anthropology, Rutgers University). Readings El Alto: Mobilizing Block by Block Flexible Justice: Neoliberal Violence and ‘Self-Help’ Security in Bolivia Gated Communities and the Discourse of Urban Fear The...